A Cardinal Stritch University transcript is a complete record of your enrollment at the University. An official transcript includes all undergraduate and graduate (including doctoral) courses. Partial transcripts are not available.
Ordering your official transcript.
The Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (WAICU) now holds all transcripts for Cardinal Stritch University. There is a $10.00 fee for each transcript. Click on the red button below to access the transcript ordering information.
How can potential employers verify my degree and dates of attendance?
Verification companies can check the National Student Clearinghouse. If your information is not available through the Clearinghouse, it will be available by written request from WAICU. Click the red button above for more information.
Will my degree be recognized after the closure?
Yes, higher education degrees always remain valid if conferred by a fully accredited institution at the time of closure. Stritch was fully accredited at the time of closure.